How I have become interested in the paranormal.

I have always been intrigued in paranormal phenomena. I grew up in a house where strange things were known to happen that couldn't be explained (hearing boot footsteps on the hardwood floor in the middle of the night, the backdoor--until my grandparents started locking it--would open and shut every morning at 4am) I'm pretty sure every member of my family have their own stories of that house! We don't have anything recorded or on video of anything out of the ordinary but we do have our experiences and that is real enough for me to conclude that something is going on somewhere!

In my apartment I was rocking my daughter back to sleep one night and she was only old enough to wave if something waved at her first. Well, she lifted her head looked towards the door and waved! We were the only people in the apartment, so needless to say, she slept with me!

Whether you believe in ghosts or not I think there will always be something intriguing about the idea of them.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Landry's Seafood, Corpus Christi, TX

My Uncle Robert used to work as a manager at Landry's Seafood in Corpus Christi. He would always be called in whenever strange things would be picked up on the security cameras.
He mentioned that there were many times when pictures hanging on the wall were shown as being thrown across the room.

He also mentioned how one night when he was there closing up by himself, he walked from the where the kitchen was toward the front of the restaurant and when he walked back towards the kitchen there was duct tape in a line on the floor.

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